Monday, 15 April 2013


Don't you just hate it when you try your hardest to explain yourself to someone and they just refuse to listen to what you have to say. When whatever you do to try and please someone never seems to be good enough for them, and when they don't believe anything that comes out your mouth. Yeah that's exactly how I'm feeling. I swear, no matter what I do I just don't know how to make anyone understand what I'm feeling or saying. It's is by far the most frustrating thing. 

Alcohol, let's be honest 99% of people like a drink but when you are trying to explain something to a drunk person and no matter what you say they are certain that you're the one that's wrong and everything they say is right, please, be serious, I'm the sober one here I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. ERGH. I know this is a random post but I just needed to get it off my chest. Blergh, eff you all.

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