Monday, 15 April 2013


Don't you just hate it when you try your hardest to explain yourself to someone and they just refuse to listen to what you have to say. When whatever you do to try and please someone never seems to be good enough for them, and when they don't believe anything that comes out your mouth. Yeah that's exactly how I'm feeling. I swear, no matter what I do I just don't know how to make anyone understand what I'm feeling or saying. It's is by far the most frustrating thing. 

Alcohol, let's be honest 99% of people like a drink but when you are trying to explain something to a drunk person and no matter what you say they are certain that you're the one that's wrong and everything they say is right, please, be serious, I'm the sober one here I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. ERGH. I know this is a random post but I just needed to get it off my chest. Blergh, eff you all.

Just, yeah.

Okay, so I basically feel like an absolute mess today, everything been boring and depressing.  On the bright side tho its nans birthday, so happy birthday angel. I'm so tired and don't really have the energy to carry on with this post so that's about it for tonight. Just, yeah.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Half Term.

BLERGH, so it wasn't until yesterday that I realized I have to go back to school tomorrow, again! Why can't I just leave for good already, I despise school so much. I mean, my life's routine is waking up at 6:30am, going back to sleep until 7:00am, realizing I've woken up too late, having to get ready at lightning speed then going to school for 6 hours looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. I know what you're thinking, what a life! oh well, half term wasn't too bad I guess. I had some good times and some bad ones. 

I got to have an extra week off school to go to Cornwall and see my nan who had picks disease which is a very rare form of dementia, you basically lose all memory of people you know and just things that any person would be expected to know. Unfortunately I lost my beautiful nanny on Wednesday the 27th of March at 7:00am. I had her funeral on the 8th of April in Cornwall, which meant another long drive back up there for the ceremony. I met a lot of people in my family that I had never even heard of before. One of them being 'Auntie Lynn' she's actually my 3rd cousin but my god she is a beautiful and very lovely lady that I'm glad I had the chance to meet. Obviously that wasn't the nicest part of my half term.

My lovely daddy took me, Ruby and his girlfriend Faye for a day out in Brighton which was an absolutely brilliant day out, I got to do a lot of shopping and gooning around the streets. One of the things me and Ruby do when we go to Brighton is take a picture in the photo booth at the shopping Centre (we did this last year aswell) its surprising to see how much we've changed in such a short period of time! I want to hopefully move to Brighton when I'm old enough to get my own place, I'm a very individual person and Brighton seems to be a place where everyone is just themselves and they don't get judged for it which is what I'd love to be able to do. I'll do it one day.

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Okay, so I decided to write something whenever I feel like it because my life is full of endless hours of me sat in my room doing absolutely nothing. 

Anyway, Zainab, Zaybay, Zainaboobie, Zainy-baby. Few of the names I call my cheeky little muslim. Zainab is a strange girl but I wouldn't change her for the world. She's one of the few people that if I'm in a bad mood, only has to give me a funny look and I'm laughing instantly. I've been friends with Zainab, not too long actually, but if I'm honest I feel like I've known her my whole life! 

Constantly coming out with the funniest of pick up lines and terrorist jokes hahaha, , one thing I'm always puzzled about tho is that I can't tell when she's being sarcastic! It is one of the most annoying things ever, that girl could get away with murder. Earlier today Zainab was complaining (again) about how she looked like a freak in her glasses while she was revising, and continued to send me a picture of herself in them, to which I responded: 'I wish I was as pretty as you:(' and the picture below...
                                               I know, I'm absolutely gorgeous xxxxxx
After a long conversation of which included things I am not permitted to post on here, Zaybay had to departure and left me with a b-e-a-utiful picture of herself...
                                               Oh you are a stunner Zainy xxxxxx
Before she left she added that her face was the same colour as her scarf and her clothes! Then hashtagged #blackgal, this is the reason I am so happy we're friends because I genuinely thought I was going to wet myself! 

So there, that's Zainab my cheeky little muslim, don't mess or we'll bomb you.

Hi :-)

Hi, my names Chloe Nicklin and welcome to My Somewhat Normal Life. Now I know the life of an average 15 year old girl in this day and age wouldn't really want to start writing a blog about their life so anyone in the world can see what they do 24/7, but I was inspired to start this blog by my one of my best friends Ruby and her mum Angie, who both have blogs aswell. I like the idea of getting things out of my head and in a place that I can see everything infront of me. Now I've got that out of the way I'll introduce myself properly.

Like I said, my names Chloe Nicklin, I'm 15 years old and I live in a small town/village called Portchester. I live with my mum, Sharon and my two twin brothers, Josh and Joe and I have three cats, Woody, Bruno and Minnie. Three people that you will often see mentioned in my blog are my amazing, funny and quirky best friends, Ruby, Scarlett and Zainab, I'll tell you more about each of them as I start posting more. I'll write one blog entry per day, unless something incredible pops up in which case I'll inform you all. 

So that's about it, there's not really much else to say apart from I hope you enjoy reading!